All you have to know about Body Building techniques, routine, diet and nutrition to attain better physique.


All you have to know about Body Building techniques, routine, diet and nutrition to attain better physique.


All you have to know about Body Building techniques, routine, diet and nutrition to attain better physique.


All you have to know about Body Building techniques, routine, diet and nutrition to attain better physique.


All you have to know about Body Building techniques, routine, diet and nutrition to attain better physique.

Miyerkules, Disyembre 4, 2013

The Maximum Contraction System

Happy Yuletide Season. Now I will introduced you to the MCS the Maximum Contraction System.

What is MCS?

The Max Contraction System is the result of a thorough research of muscular systems and their response to stress, or tension. It's definitely no secret that the greater the intensity placed on a muscle, the greater the growth stimulation that takes place. It's also true that for every increase in exercise intensity, a corresponding decrease in training time must take place. It's like walking and sprinting: While you can walk almost indefinitely, you can only sprint for a limited number of seconds. Max Contraction training is the most intense form of exercise currently applied, so it must of necessity be the briefest.

It's also well known that the more muscle fibers you can involve in a given contraction, the more productive the exercise will be; that is, the greater the muscle growth stimulation you will generate.

As the name indicates, Max Contraction training involves firing as many muscle fibers as possible from a maximally contracted position'not just a random hold but a maximum effort, holding the resistance in a position of full muscular contraction for a minimum of 45 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds.
Unlike the high-set routines, some of which take hours to complete, Max Contraction training uses exclusively the anaerobic pathways. High-set routines involve the aerobic pathways, which works wonders for improving your training endurance but little or nothing to improve your strength and muscle mass.
Similarly, MCS is a great  routine   program to increase muscle mass which will lead you to full muscular development.


To derive the most benefit from this Maximum Constraction System training, it important to select exercises that enable you to activate the maximum number of a given muscle’s fibers while in the fully contracted position. Certain exercises performed with conventional equipment don’t integrate the proper physics to provide resistance in the maximum contraction position. Some of this  movements are squats, barbell curls (in which the resistance falls off once you pass the halfway point of the movement), and most types of pressing movements. It is this lack of direct resistance in the position of complete muscular contraction that makes these exercises ineffi cient in an M.C.S. training program. For M.C.S. training, you must select exercises that enable a targeted muscle group to be contracted completely with maximum resistance for forty-fi ve to sixty seconds.

The following list is provided only as a guide. It matches major body parts with the exercises that have been found to be the best for the purpose of stimulating maximum muscle fiber involvement and, thus, maximum muscle growth:

1.    Lats: Lat machine pull-overs, or lat pulldowns    (with special Max straps)
2.    Traps: Shrugs (barbell or dumbbell)
3.    Delts: Lateral raises (front, side, or rear)
4.    Pectorals: Pec decks or cable crossovers
5.    Triceps: Dumbbell kickbacks (or Max   straps kickbacks)
6.    Biceps: Chin-ups (fl exed-arm hang) or
7.    Ssteep-angle barbell curls
8.    Forearms: Barbell wrist curls
9.    Quadriceps: Leg extensions
10.   Hamstrings: Leg curls
11.   Calves: Standing calf raises
12.   Abs: Weighted crunches

Lunes, Oktubre 28, 2013

Some Foods That Will Help You Gain Muscle Mass.

The food listed below are essential to your bodybuilding journey you must eat one or more of this food if you want to gain more muscle mass.


Whole egg contributes  7g of affordable profile the yolk that provides in most of the nutrients. These types of nutrients naturally ascent your testosterone levels.Egg might have cholesterol, however dietary cholesterol isn’t bound to blood cholesterol. If your body is sustaining a bad amount of cholesterol, it’s your human body fat that required  to be toned down rather than the yolk.

Mixed Nuts

If you want to gain weight and you are one of the skinny person, Mixed nuts will probably just be the key for you. Mixed nut contain mono- potassium, and much  more.

Mixed nuts may include almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, and even peanut butter (as long as you buy natural ones which come without salts or sugars).

Red Meat

Eating grass-fed beef could help your body gain more  protein, vitamin B12,  zinc, creatine, carnosine and even omega 3. Beef is known to be a storehouse for selenium.

Wild Salmon

Dubbed as one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acid, Wild Salmon adds approximately 20g of health proteins per 100g serving.


Yogurt contains low fat and bacteria that strengthen your gastrointestinal health. It contains linoleic acid which is a important type of fat that eliminates body fat. We suggest you were not  buying frozen yogurt, or yogurt with added sugar and fruits at the base.


Rich in vitamin and antioxidants.  Vitamin C makes berries help fuel depleted muscle glycogen in a post  workout. Berries which are  rich on fiber provide enough energy to last longer.

Olive Oil

A muscle breakdown often leads to muscle wasting and weakness. Olive oils are rich in monounsaturated fat that prevents muscle breakdown. Our advice for you is to opt for a extra-virgin variety of olive oil which has a high level of radical-fighting vitamin E and antioxidants. Olive oil reduces risk of heart disease and diabetes.


Do you Want to pump up your calorie intake without  stuffing yourself? Oats are exactly what you must be looking. You can consider rolled oats as oatmeal for your breakfast, or blend them into a beverage, or you can mix it together with your protein powder for a muscle building sludge that you can carry on the go.


Avocado has  twice the calories per gram than carbohydrates or protein. It makes it better for you to hit your daily calorie intake requirements. Our body starts building up hormones  essential for muscle growth and good health.


Even though not exactly something that categorized under food, Water is a necessary intake. If we don't drink enough water our body holds it. Drinking water  prevents  water retention, supporting muscle recovery. It reduces dehydration of the body from strength training.

Martes, Setyembre 10, 2013

Increase Repetition and Lower Set to Achieved More Muscle Mass

One of the biggest disappointments shared by many people, regardless of age, who take up the science of bodybuilding is that they never seem to profit quick enough.

Almost everybody who has ever attended a Mr. Olympia contest wants to seeimmediatelylike the competitors seen on stage. To this end some people even copy the champions precontest training routines in a misguided effort to somehow hasten this transformational process. After all, it worked for the champions, right? Wrong! Ive stated this before, but it bears repeating: the champions are the thoroughbreds of our species; its in their genesor, more specifically, its in their muscle belliesto be immense musclemen. Their physiques are inordinate due to their being genetically predisposed to carry a large musculature on their frames, and not because of any magic to be found within their training routines (e.g., triple split; push/pull; intensity or insanityI love that one!; up and down the rack; twenty sets per body part) or their secret dietary methods. Its time we, as a group, woke up to the fact that its not in the genetic cards for all of us to be massively muscled. Nor can we alter our reality by simply aping the training routine of a definite champion. In fact, the champions training routine, particularly his precontest routine, would have about as much bearing on our attaining his musclesize as would our wearing the same shoes
as he does.

Remember this point: the first rule of success in bodybuilding is to work within our genetic framework. Without this principle, most of the other rules have no application. Moreover, given the level of drugs that most of the champion bodybuilders take, probably very few of the rules that govern human physiology have much bearing on them. The drugs alter human physiology into something foreign to our species. Once these drugs enter the equation, and by drugs I specifi cally refer to steroids here, the act of emulating the training methods of the bodybuilder you see upon stage becomes pointless. The muscles of steroid users no longer make the similar amount of waste by-products, nor do they fatigue at the same rate; drugs have altered both processes beyond the confi nes of easy human physiology. Suffi ce it to say that unless you currently are upon steroids,
or are resolved to use them regardless of the potential consequences, youll experience tiny, if any, gains in muscle mass by training like the champions. Natural muscular gains arrive when you train intelligently, which means observing and understanding the economics of growth and recovery.


Bodybuilding, like most other human  endeavors, has had and continues to have its share of bizarre and wonderful claims, generally made by people who are all bit as wonderful as the claims they advance. As you are now entering your third month, its important that you be informed of just what deception awaits you upon your journey to physical perfection at this point in your training. Armed with this knowledge in advance, you will be better able to recognize and avoid quick-talkers who would have you believe and hold baseless and potentially harmful training, nutritional, and, most important, cognitive practices.

The most common error that youll encounter is the visualization or cognitive mind over matter arguments, replete with similes that involve biceps like mountains, backs like manta rays, or thesame nonsense. These are, in effect, mind-over-genetics arguments, or what the tardy philosophernovelist Ayn Rand would have called the I Wish versus It Is polemic. This premise, in essence, instructs you to ignore the fact that you are only fi ve foot two and have brown eyes, because, by God, if you really desire to be six foot six and have eyes of blue, then all you have to do is believe that its possible and it will happen!

The proponents of such irrational gibberish have their own nomenclature that features constructs such as mental imagery and, of course, visualization and its rampant throughout bodybuilding. Statements such as Believe and Achieve adorn the back of many a personally inscribed weight belt. This is chicanery straight out of The Flim-Flam Man. It wont put another inch upon your arms, no matter how Cartesianly sure and clear your mystical mental processes and thoughts about the size of your muscles may be. I mean, go aheadenvision your biceps the size of Mount Everest. Give me a call when they accomplish 29,028 feet above sea level. Its exactly the same logic as if I were to allegation that I could leap over an apartment complex; youd be justifi ed in thinking me deluded, regardless of how fi rmly I held to the vividness of the fantasy.

Likewise, if a bodybuilder of international repute should say you that he has peaks upon his biceps because he envisioned them as miniature mountains, and not because genetics put an egg upon his biceps the day his DNA took hold, you should be equally suspect about his cognitive faculties. Nevertheless, such claims are made almost daily regarding the mystical import of the mind in training. Sure, the mind is important; without it you couldnt even tie your shoes, let alone engage in barbell training, but its not approximately as omnipotent as some authorities would have you believe. The mind is important in keeping you motivated to profit into the gym and train intensely enough to stimulate your muscles to grow. As I conceded earlier, this training routine is not an easy one to adopt for the long term. In fact, its downright uncomfortableso much so that anyone who feels the inclination to engage in visualization or cognitive gymnastics involving mountain-peak biceps, manta-ray lats, or fl uffy clouds really isnt training. The person is simply going through the motions and relaxing, because relaxation, or sleep, is the time we are best able to engage in such fl ights of fancy. (We just refer to them as dreams.) And if such people also exhibit impressive physiques, its only further testimony to the supreme role that genetics played in their physical developmentas opposed to their mystical thought processes and inefficient training methods.


If genetics, then, is the be-every and stop-every of bodybuilding, and youre not the spitting image of Conan the Barbarian at the moment, should you just throw in the towel and write it off to a bad deal of the genetic cards? By no  means! The fact that you dont have the muscle bellies of an Arnold Schwarzenegger or Mike Mentzer doesnt mean that you dont have the genetics of an equally impressive you when developed to the uppermost limits of your potential. After every, Steve Reeves, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Mentzer, Lou Ferrigno, Bruce Lee, Mike Tyson, and Lee Labrada didnt have identical genetics, and yet every went upon to fabricate very fabulous (and very muscular) physiques. If you train properly, you can realize your own unique physiological potential, which may even supersede any of the competitors upon the Mr. Olympia stage today! What, then, is proper training? Simply put, proper training involves stimulating muscle growth and then allowing your body sufficient time to realize that growth once its been stimulated. To achieve this, your workouts must be intense, and since intensity and duration exist in inverse proportion to one another, your workouts must also be brief. The more intense the workouts, the greater the muscle stimulation, and the briefer the workouts must be. One other factor that enters into this workout equation is recovery. This falls into the off time you have in between your workouts. My staff and I have conducted a series of tests and studies regarding this phenomenon at our Nautilus North fitness middle and have concluded that once you get stronger, it will take you approximately three days to recover the energy you expended during your workout. It will then take you another three to four days to over compensate, or grow bigger. In other words, as you grow stronger, you will require a full seven days off between workouts to permit the muscle you stimulated in your workout to grow. While you are yet a beginner, you must have at least two days of rest between high-intensity training sessions, and more if youre exceptionally strong. With any less than this amount, youll not progress at every, and you may even begin to regress. So, first train difficult to stimulate growth, which means that your workouts must be of brief duration (no more than thirty to forty-fi ve minutes per workout), and rest afterward for a minimum of forty-eight hours. If these precepts are followed, you will grow progressively larger muscles with every visit to the gym.


Linggo, Setyembre 1, 2013

7 Best Bodybuilding Foods

Most of the champion bodybuilders I know who are trying to increase their size and strength have been consuming anywhere from 250 to 400 grams of protein a day. That’s far more than any nutritional scientist would recommend for musclebuilding purposes. So to be muscularly leaner and to attain better physique, i outline here the top 7 best body building food you must eat.


     Nutrients: An 8-ounce sweet potato has 240 calories, 4 g protein, 55 g carbohydrate, 1 g fat, 7 g fiber.


     Nutrients: A 4-ounce (measured raw) lean top round steak has 138 calories, 24 g protein, 0 g       
     carbohydrate, 4 g fat, 0 g fiber.


     Nutrients: A 6-ounce (weighed raw) breast has 205 calories, 38 g protein, 0 g carbohydrate, 4 g fat, 0 g      fiber.


     Nutrients: 99 calories, 21 g protein, 2 g carbohydrate, 0 g fat, 0 g fiber.


      Nutrients: A 4-ounce serving has 136 calories, 24 g protein, 0 g carbohydrate, 4 g fat, 0 g fiber.


      Nutrients: A 4-ounce (measured raw) serving has 207 calories, 23 g protein, 0 g carbohydrate, 12 g fat,       0 g fiber.


      Nutrients: A 4-ounce serving has 27 calories, 3 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate, less than 1 g fat, 2 g fiber.

Huwebes, Agosto 22, 2013

DIET: A comment about Diet

One of the biggest misunderstandings in muscle building today is the false impression  that you must consume a wonderful mixture of vitamins, nutrients, and protein products in order to build huge  muscles. Muscular building were as easy as taking a supplement, then coaching would be outdated. The point that you cannot “eat your way to a great physique” should be self evident, but ambitious muscle builders nevertheless spend lots of money on products that do little else than enhance the color of their pee. Dull, yes, but true! Diet system in the beginning stages of muscle building is anything but complicated: if you want to get bigger, which is usually the inspiration behind starting a muscle building course, then you should practice hard and eat lots. Pure and simple, eat anything you want, whenever you want; just make sure that you are eating a healthy diet. It provides your muscle building course little good if you eat meals from a weight-loss system that is uneven in respect to any of the macronutrients (for example, body fat, necessary protein, or carbohydrates). Eat the large of your foods in a more or less healthy fashion.  Actually, tip the scale, if at all, in support of carbs meals, since they offer the energy for all your weight-training classes as well as being the primary source of energy of your brain. Given that carbs meals also are wrapped in foods that happen to taste the best (pasta, bread, sugar, fruits, etc.), it’s usually not a pressure to eat adequate amounts of them. If you have performed muscle building to lose fat, in contrast to weight—there is a major distinction—simply decrease what you eat a little bit. I say “slightly” because extreme calorie reduction causes the body to actually slow down its metabolic rate in expectation of a deficiency of meals. This, of course, is unproductive to what you wish to accomplish. The most effective route to fat reduction, then, is to practice extremely to activate muscle growth (the workouts I’ll offer are designed to do just that) and decrease what you eat slightly—say, 500 calories below what would otherwise be necessary to maintain your present body weight. Again, keep what you eat healthy or expected in support of the carbs element, and you will notice a consistent level of fat reduction while at the same time increasing your muscle-mass rate. The mixture of these two factors will create a impressive difference in the appearance of your body and make a base of health and energy that will be all but impassable throughout your life.

Anatomy and Exercises

When you are choosing workouts to perform for specific muscle tissue, it’s a definite resource to know the features of the muscle components you want to include. The table below is a brief record to assist you in the evaluation and process. This record is of course imperfect, but it should provide your reasons as a starter because you will be focusing completely on these muscle tissue in order to build muscle huge. Use it as your platform from which you can are experts on minimal bodyparts when you reach a more innovative muscle state.

Muscle Structures, Exercises and Functions.

Huwebes, Agosto 15, 2013

The Basics of Getting Leaner

The easiest and quickest way

to improve looks is to burn fat. If you want your body to look tighter, burn calories. If you want your muscles to appear bigger, burn calories. No matter how strong and big muscles one possesses, he or she won't look impressive, if the person's body is covered by a thick layer of fat. So anyone, who is trying to sculpt his or hers own body in order to look better, must know at least the basics of getting leaner.

Losing weight is simple. Unfortunately, it has been complicated with all the equipment on TV commercials. All the do-this-and-that-and-you-will-have-a-perfect-body-in-no-time commercials must not be taken seriously. There are no magic-tools in burning fat!

Burning those extra calories is most of all mathematics. Your daily calorie in-take must be smaller than the amount of calories consumed per day. Professional bodybuilders and fitness models calculate their calorie in-take carefully, so that they can lose weight as much as they want to.

7000 kcal equals one kilo. This means that if a person's daily calorie consuming is 1000 kcal higher than his or hers calorie in-take, the person will end up losing one kilo per week.

Now, the before mentioned example is not for people who are trying to lose weight permanently, because it is too short a time to lose so much weight. To lose one kilo of fat per week is a high speed for the professionals too, and most of them take more time to burn fat so that they don't run out of time before competition.

In addition there is one remarkable thing to remember: the less you burn fat per week, the better it is for your muscle mass, too.

There are a few complex things in losing weight that must be taken into consideration. Firstly, while losing weight, it is also possible to lose some muscles in the process. Secondly, especially for amateurs it is very difficult to find the motivation  to get shredded.

And thirdly, there are many foods that are healthy, but they might also destroy diets.


So let's tackle the first complex issue, how to lose weight, but maintain the hard-earned muscle mass? The easiest way to do that is to monitor your diet very carefully. All the candies, pizzas, ice-creams, donuts and other high-in-sugar products must not be eaten while trying to lose weight.

Only the essential fats, such as the fats coming from oils, can be included to diet. The meals should be consisted of foods that are high in protein and carbohydrate and low in fat. Another thing to remember is that one should not skip meals in order to eat less.

It is better to eat frequently, so that over-eating can be avoided. That is nutritional part in a nutshell. To gather more information on nutrition it is highly recommendable to read articles on eating.

The training part, on the other hand, can be very surprising, because the quickest way to burn calories is not the best one. To illustrate my point, let's take the long-distance runners. Admittedly they are low in fat, but they don't have any muscles either.

That is why calories must not be burnt by running. The best way to burn calories is, oddly enough, walking. Many bodybuilders have adopted walking as their best method to lose fat. Some take a brisk walk on an empty stomach in the morning, while the others do it after their weight training session.

It does not matter, as long as you just do it!

Some gym-goers have a specific body part that they are trying to improve. Usually this is the stomach area. These gym-goers go and perform a couple of sets of sit-ups every day, but their bodies show no signs of getting improvement.

There is one thing that they should know: there is no such thing as targeted fat-reduction. If a person wants to have, for instance, a tight waistline, a few sets of sit-ups won't do the trick. His or hers body fat percentage must be very low (women 14-20 % fat, men 8-13 % fat), which means that cardiovascular exercises must be added to training program.


The second difficult task is to find the motivation for losing weight. This is something that separates the wheat from the chaff. The lack of motivation can also be hampered by the lack of knowledge, some people just go and train every day without any gains.

Of course, that can be very frustrating, which is why it is important to gather as much of information on bodybuilding as possible. Reading articles and books on bodybuilding is not for nothing!

Getting shredded is not usually fun. The person must day after day break that comfort-zone and monitor his or hers diet very carefully in order to get results. But it is worth doing it. With proper training methods, strict diet and rigid attitude the results will come in due course.

It is also important to stay focused, a common mistake is to lose patience at some point of training program.

The best way to stay focused is to think about your goals. Why are you trying to lose weight? Why do you want to get leaner? Sometimes it is good to think about these questions for a while so as not to lose concentration. After all, motivation is the basis for everything in bodybuilding.


This is the most essential part in getting lean. The saying `You are what you eat` applies greatly to bodybuilding. It is common knowledge that for instance all donuts and sodas are not to be eaten while trying to lose some fat.

But there are many rather surprising foods that ought to be left alone, and what is worst they are usually considered perfect for people who are trying to get shape.

In this article I will concentrate on the foods that are regarded as dieters best friends, when they actually are the worst enemies. Worst, because they are not known to destroy diets. For instance, bananas, orange juices, pastas, white bread and grapes all are to be avoided while dieting.

The before mentioned foods are just examples, there are many, many other foods too that ought to be avoided, too.

Okay, so what about the vitamins that people get from orange juice? Should they just stick to their diets and not eat them? The answer is no. It is better to eat a whole orange and drink a glass of water than to drink a glass of orange juice, this will get the much-needed vitamins and, in addition, it will make the person feel fuller.

From dieter's point of view, the worst solution would be to eat a couple of white breads and to drink a glass of orange juice, it does not sound a risky business, but it is.

The easiest way to exclude those healthy, yet fattening foods from your diet is by simply reading the trade description at the food store.


Losing weight can be divided into three parts: training, nutrition and motivation. All these are equal, and one needs to pay attention to all three parts. Training resulting into successful fat-loss is due to taking all the little things seriously.

So, don't skip work-outs. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Monitor your diet carefully. And in conclusion, motivate yourself, set goals and do your utmost to reach them!

About The Author:

Hans Hauiskaanto is a freelance journalist from Finland with wide range of experience in writing on sports. He possesses keen knowledge of the attributes of compelling stories, good writing, talent and creativity. His articles have appeared in various magazines, in addition he has gained experience in hosting shows too.
