Miyerkules, Disyembre 4, 2013

The Maximum Contraction System

Happy Yuletide Season. Now I will introduced you to the MCS the Maximum Contraction System.

What is MCS?

The Max Contraction System is the result of a thorough research of muscular systems and their response to stress, or tension. It's definitely no secret that the greater the intensity placed on a muscle, the greater the growth stimulation that takes place. It's also true that for every increase in exercise intensity, a corresponding decrease in training time must take place. It's like walking and sprinting: While you can walk almost indefinitely, you can only sprint for a limited number of seconds. Max Contraction training is the most intense form of exercise currently applied, so it must of necessity be the briefest.

It's also well known that the more muscle fibers you can involve in a given contraction, the more productive the exercise will be; that is, the greater the muscle growth stimulation you will generate.

As the name indicates, Max Contraction training involves firing as many muscle fibers as possible from a maximally contracted position'not just a random hold but a maximum effort, holding the resistance in a position of full muscular contraction for a minimum of 45 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds.
Unlike the high-set routines, some of which take hours to complete, Max Contraction training uses exclusively the anaerobic pathways. High-set routines involve the aerobic pathways, which works wonders for improving your training endurance but little or nothing to improve your strength and muscle mass.
Similarly, MCS is a great  routine   program to increase muscle mass which will lead you to full muscular development.


To derive the most benefit from this Maximum Constraction System training, it important to select exercises that enable you to activate the maximum number of a given muscle’s fibers while in the fully contracted position. Certain exercises performed with conventional equipment don’t integrate the proper physics to provide resistance in the maximum contraction position. Some of this  movements are squats, barbell curls (in which the resistance falls off once you pass the halfway point of the movement), and most types of pressing movements. It is this lack of direct resistance in the position of complete muscular contraction that makes these exercises ineffi cient in an M.C.S. training program. For M.C.S. training, you must select exercises that enable a targeted muscle group to be contracted completely with maximum resistance for forty-fi ve to sixty seconds.

The following list is provided only as a guide. It matches major body parts with the exercises that have been found to be the best for the purpose of stimulating maximum muscle fiber involvement and, thus, maximum muscle growth:

1.    Lats: Lat machine pull-overs, or lat pulldowns    (with special Max straps)
2.    Traps: Shrugs (barbell or dumbbell)
3.    Delts: Lateral raises (front, side, or rear)
4.    Pectorals: Pec decks or cable crossovers
5.    Triceps: Dumbbell kickbacks (or Max   straps kickbacks)
6.    Biceps: Chin-ups (fl exed-arm hang) or
7.    Ssteep-angle barbell curls
8.    Forearms: Barbell wrist curls
9.    Quadriceps: Leg extensions
10.   Hamstrings: Leg curls
11.   Calves: Standing calf raises
12.   Abs: Weighted crunches

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